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How To Increase The Youtube And Metacafe Video Buffering Speed

do you have a very slow internet connection ??
well mine is slow so it is very difficult for me to watch youtube or metacafe videos as it takes lot of time in buffering. well then i found a trick while exploring the internet. by using this trick there will decrease in the buffering time taken in youtube and metacafe and the video will play smothely.
so here is the trick follow the steps given below:


  • 1.go  to start
  • 2.then click on run
  • 3.type: " system.ini " without quotes.
  • after that a notepad file will open with the code given below in it
; for 16-bit app support

  • copy the code given below and paste it in that notepad file which is opened.

page buffer=1000000Tbps

  • after that you need to save that file.
  • you are done with that enjoy.
  • do comment if this trick works.

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